Limperg instituut

Courses 2016

  • Our Courses in 2016
  • Course: Experiments
  • Course: Auditing Research
  • Course: Financial Accounting 1 - Capital Markets

This is to inform you of the upcoming Limperg Courses 2016.

We start with Management Accounting. We decided to design a new management accounting program. We are very excited to announce that the management accounting course will be led by Dennis Campbell (Harvard Business School). The course will expose students to the relation between Management Accounting and Organizational Culture. We approach culture from an economics Perspective.
To sign up for this course please send an email to:
Management Accounting: April 18 – 22, 2016. Venue: University of Amsterdam.

Experiments. Robert Bloomfield (Cornell) will teach the course of experiments in September. I attach the syllabus of the 2015 course. For this course we will organize preparation meetings (probably before the summer or late August. Please make sure that you sign up as soon as you know that you are going to participate as we cannot exceed 15 students.
Experiments: September 15-16 and 19, 20, 21 September. Venue: University of Amsterdam

Auditing research. Last year we decided to adapt the course of auditing research. We are very happy to announce that Robert Knechel (Fisher School of Accounting University of Florida) and Marleen Willekens (University of Leuven) are willing to teach this new program. To assure that class participation occurs at sufficient levels it is required that participants took sufficient courses in statistics. We will schedule meetings in preparation to this course.
Auditing research: March 2017 Venue: To be announced

Financial Accounting 1: Capital Markets. In December 2016 we will run our next course of capital markets, taught by Peter Easton. Last year we noticed that we had more students than we could accommodate. Make sure that you sign in for the course as soon as you have the opportunity.
Capital Markets: December 5-9, 2016, venue: Tilburg University

I would like you to pass on this information to anyone who would be interested to sign up for these courses. Please contact me or Hetty Rutten ( if you want additional information. You can sign up for the courses with the attached form. Please note: For each of these courses it's a requirement that you participate in the preparation course that will be organized in the Netherlands. As soon as we know the definite dates of the course week, we will announce the dates of the preparation meetings.

Kind regards,
Jan Bouwens

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